
Contact us

For passengers

Reference information, for pax services contacts:


Send request

When you detect any damage to your tagged baggage(s), you must first apply to the Lost and Found Office of the Ground Handling Company, which serves Southwind Airlines, before leaving the airport and create a report with your documents. You can apply to Southwind Airlines with the necessary documents and your report to cover the damage.

Within 7 days after you report the damage to your baggage, you must apply in writing to the e-mail address, which is also available on our website, with the specified documents.
Applications exceeding this period will not be evaluated in accordance with international agreements.

In order for your claim for damage to be evaluated quickly, you must send photos of your damaged baggage/item and your baggage tag.
Our relevant unit will evaluate your requests meticulously and will give you the necessary information quickly. Please apply to our office before leaving the airport and do not forget to submit a report.

For counterparties